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Think Tank

Develop the right skills to accelerate the transformation of your media!

Interview with Antoine Laurent, expert in fact-checking, data journalism, mobile journalism (MoJo) and the organisation of hackathons in newsrooms. Antoine provides NWE Academy with a first series of key training courses to accelerate innovation and transformation of the media. Mobile will have profoundly changed journalists’… Read More »Develop the right skills to accelerate the transformation of your media!

Producing the content worth paying for [Part 1]

NWE caught up with Juan Señor, a man of many talents including reporter, presenter, Arctic expedition member, and disability activist.  For the purposes of this interview, however, we spoke to him in his capacity as president of INNOVATION Media Consulting in which role he has helped news operations across the globe to reinvent themselves and remain relevant. We sought his take on product development, revenue streams, and the salvation of journalism.